Don't You Just Know....
....when you need a change? That just about sums up how my Fall has been. Full of 360 degree turns, hard turns left, then right, then left again. A sewing machine for my birthday, a big black sketchbook, colored pencils, and more ideas than I can handle in a day. But it's good. It's so damn good to feel my Self coming back to me again.
Anyone who's spent the lion's share of their life working in a profession that they really don't like will know what I mean. The hustle, the bustle, the putting up with people and personalities that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. The worriation (I know, I know....that's not a word, but I like it and I'm using it) about whether or not you're making enough money and whether or not you should do that corporate jig to move up the ladder to make more money to spend on stuff you don't really need. That profession you picked because you're the direct descendent of women who burned their bras and told you that you better not even THINK about wasting time or money - you were going to get a REAL job (read: something that involved a suit and too-tight stockings). Or that profession that you picked for money, not for love.
But soon enough, if you're paying attention .... if you have just the SLIGHTEST understanding of what it means to be start hearing that little voice inside you getting louder and louder and louder still .... the voice of your wildest, childish dreams .... that AUTHENTIC you just waiting to find its rightful place back in your life. Front and Center.
You know when it's time to make a change.
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