Brown Girl Studio

Mom. Wife. Grad Student. Yogini. Wannabe Designer.

Monday, June 05, 2006

How About Never?

...well, all i can say is that it was the kind of day that you needed a friend. a friend who knows a little something more than you know, to keep you from ripping out every single stitch.....a friend who knows how to find the mistake AND fix the mistake without you losing your everlasting mind. a friend that is just as addicted to knitting as you are. real live, down the block friend ... not the one in las vegas or el paso or new york ... but earshot distance kinda friend, cause you just know what's about to go down .....

yup, i had to start over with the capelet. umm-hmm. why? because i'm an anxious, over-achieving nincompoop when it comes to knitting and i shouldn't have even had the needles in my hands after the crazy "two-children and a dog" evening that i had that night. i was tired to the bone but wanting to relax and work on my work. half asleep knitting. yeah right. next thing i know i'm doing my SSK without my YO and the whole bloody thing was a mess. i could hardly believe it.

then, to make matters worse, after casting back on and working round after round, i discover the worst ... yup, the damn thing is twisted. i could have screamed from here to madagascar.

i'm not a giver upper but i swear knitting can make you want to go ballistic on the first unknowing person that crosses your path. i told my husband that if this third attempt doesn't work, i'm donating all of my yarn and bamboo needles to charity and taking down my blog. to hell with it, i said. me, pick up needles again? yeah, how about never. i've got better things to do with my life and my time, right? i mean, just go and buy a damn sweater and scarf set like normal people, right?

i wish i could make myself believe that.

i can no more stop knitting than i can stop writing, painting, or even breathing.....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, no... what a frustrating night of knitting! Doesn't it get to a point sometimes when you just want scream, "this is supposed to be relaxing!?!?!?!"

Glad you perservered through the moment and came out the boss!

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gurrlllllllllllllll, I feel your pain. I too, did some ripping this weekend, about 8" but my piece was too big, so I needed to rip back to make just MY size.

When you have days/nights like that yet you HAVE to knit, you need to have a dishcloth or a stockinette something to work on. Something mindless that can't be messed up. I'm a firm believer in having at least 2 projects going at ALL times. One that's so easy you could do in the dark, and the other challenging or whatever.

I feel your pain. I so feel your pain. But, together we can get pass this. Chin up sistahfriend!


3:57 PM  
Blogger Angel said...

mary-heather: frustrating is not the word !!!! it was beyond beyond that i don't even have language for how beyond it was ....

necia: very good idea. i'll have to cast on a washcloth or two for those kinds of moments!!


6:04 AM  
Blogger make it real said...

hey angel...
it's kellz fom just stopping by to say hi. just showing some sistah friend love...

stop by when time permits!


5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

10:03 PM  

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